Friday, November 2, 2012

November 1 Colossians Class Audio Podcast will NOT be available due to Audio Recording Malfunction


Cat said...

Oops, didn't mean to delete my first post.
Can you expound on circumcision for me? I have done a lot of research into modern circumcision and it truly is a horror. I have come to understand God's command as a cut off the tip of the foreskin and not the complete removal of a functional organ that it is today. I understand the symbolism somewhat, and I bow to God's supremacy, but I still have some trouble grasping it all.
Furthermore, I cannot understand why a Christian would have a son's foreskin completely amputated when it is clearly not necessary according to the New Testament, no major medical organization in the world recommends it, and the harm it causes the man is well documented. Circumcision Harm
One source:
My Biblical Journey To Intactivism

Cathie said...

Hi Cat! There's not really anything to expound on as you have obviously done your homework! We understand through the study of God's Word that there is now no spiritual significance to the circumcision of the flesh... so basically it comes down to personal preference or tradition. So important to not to condemn or spiritualize this choice, as it is simply that... a choice.

In the simplest form, circumcision was instituted by God as an act of purity, to "be cut off" from the other nations, a people unto God. Yet, his intent was ALWAYS that this physical act of obedience through man would be but a SHADOW of the GREATER spiritual reality that would come through and IN CHRIST.

God has always been after the hearts of His people and we now know, on this side of the cross, that it is only IN CHRIST that our HEARTS are now circumcised, not with human hands but by Christ Himself and that this circumcision has GREAT spiritual significance! New Heart, New Life... set apart!