Friday, October 19, 2012

Who Sent Out the Memo?!?

Aside from the fact that Donny Osmond would absolutely love these girls, 
it's amazing that they should all show up in PURPLE for Bible Study yesterday morning!

I was told that everyone burst out laughing when Edna walked in late...

also wearing,
you guessed it,

What I want to know is...
Who sent out the memo?

"... her clothing is fine linen and PURPLE."
Proverbs 31:22


sally said...

Also, someone - I think Cat - had a purple backpack and two ladies had purple water bottles.

The photographer however was completely out of the loop, did not get the memo and wore not a lick of purple. It was the classic "one of these things is not like the other" scenarios.

Did we mention that we had a wonderful time in Word as well - we didn't discuss our apparel the whole time.


Cat said...

Apparently Sally doesn't own purple! I don't think you missed the memo Sally, you just didn't have anything to wear! :)