Thursday, July 26, 2012

NEW Study! Coming September 6th!

Join us in September for a 12 week Inductive Study in the Book of Colossians!

Gaining a "True Knowledge" of Christ "So No One Deludes You"!
What does it mean to be "complete in Christ"?  
Is Christ your "all in all"- does He meet all your needs?
Don't let anyone delude you with man-made philosophies 
or traditions that contradict the Word of God.

Burnett Fellowship Baptist Church
Thursday Mornings 9am-12noon
September 6 - November 29
Sept 6, 13, 20, 27
Oct 4, 11, 18, 25
Nov 1, 8, 15, 22, 29
(September 6th Class - Inductive Study Skills Training!)
Breaking for month of December

Cost of Study Guide - $30.50*
(*If shipping and handling costs reflect a greater reduction than represented here... 
you will be refunded the difference)

To save on shipping and handling costs please have your study guide orders in by 10am, Thursday, August 23.
To place your order please contact me by

Looking forward to our time together, spent in the Word of God!


Anonymous said...

Does this mean that the study in Colossians continues after Christmas?
If not it seems a long study for 4 chapters.
I will order a book if this is so, not sure what will be happening, or how I wil manage as I should be going for knee replacement in the near future I hope, as I have been waiting since February.
Also thos stairs would be a challenge!
I might be able to continue on line of just in the book if necesary.
Are you going to podcast it? That might work.
We are intending to go to a couple of Bible studies with Fred Worthy and the Hendersons, so I'll see how things shape up.

Lots of love,

Cathie said...

Hi Margaret, thanks for your question. Our study in Colossians is a 12 week study which will be completed at the end of November, 2012.

The continuation of our Bible Study Class in January 2013 will be with an entirely new study.

And yes, each week's class (teaching portion) will be available here in the Colossians Bible Study Room!

You know we would love to have you join us any way we can get you! Yet fully understand that healing after major knee surgery takes time and much tender care on the owner of that knee's part!

Just let me know by August 23 if you would like me to order you a study book! By the way, please say a warm hello to Fred, Susan, Jane-Anne and Barry for Scott and I. Over the years God has taken our wee "Burnett family" and sent each of us out for His Kingdom purposes... it's a joy to behold!