Friday, September 7, 2012

Stepping Out... In Faith!!!

Hi Girls!  With the most tedious of the classes behind us, we are now stepping into our first week of actual study in the book of Colossians!  YAY!

Learning the Inductive Study Method can seem very overwhelming at first... it's like reading all the instructions on your new hi-tech device and almost wanting to forget the whole thing!  I'm actually speaking out of experience here as I just received a fantastic upgraded camera... I'm excited about all that it can do, but a part of me just wants to revert back to my old camera... or, just hope somebody else takes a picture with THEIR camera!

Don't cave into the temptation!  I can promise you, that day by day, week by week, as you begin to use some of the tools that you have been taught it will become second nature to you!  One builds upon the other and you will not have to use them ALL at the same time!

Having said that... dive in with gusto to your Week One assignments! Someone asked me yesterday if I have any tips when it comes to getting the homework done.  Yes, I do.

Tip #1... Actually DO your assignments!
Tip #2... Plan out your week and highlight each day, the hour (or more), that you will devote to Bible Study!
Tip #3... Nothing or nobody gets to touch this time, unless there's blood!

Always remember the most often neglected aspect to Bible Study... pray before you begin.  Keeping in mind that the Bible that you hold in your hands is God-Breathed and is only Spiritually Discerned!

By the way, the Audio Podcast of each class will always carry with it a delay of approximately 3 days before I post it here in the Colossians Bible Study Room.  Pastor Brad has to go through the process of converting the MP3 into a disc form and then I in turn have the task of converting the disk into a Podcast and uploading it to Vimeo.  In the meantime, if you have not already done so, click on the "Cathie's Audio Podcasts" link to gain additional help in How to Study Your Bible!

And by the way... Don't forget to make good use of the Comment Cafe on each post to converse with myself and with your sisters in the class!  Just scroll down and click on the Comment link of any given post.  I'll be popping in each evening to catch up with all of you, to chat, answer questions, share prayer requests (by the way, you won't waste a prayer on me at this stage!), and just plain hang out if you feel so inclined!

with much love,


Cathie said...

I need your input as to whether you would like your "Comment Cafe" to be

1. a POP-UP window so you can still stay in the Bible Study Room.
2. a FULL PAGE window that is out of the Bible Study Room.

Friday, Saturday will be POP-UP and Sunday, Monday will be FULL PAGE... whichever has the most votes wins!

Unknown said...

I'm so excited! I picked up my study guide on my way home from work and can't wait to spend some time in it this evening. I probably wont' get the chance to meet any of you in person, but know that I am on the journey alongside you and praying for each of you.

Cathie said...

You are a blessing Kate! But don't count on not meeting the group... at the end of November we will be having an evening Pot Luck Gathering!